Join our Board of Trustees

The Rockfield Centre Facade. Sash windows. Red doors.

Invitation to pre-AGM Information Meeting for Prospective Trustees

In advance of the AGM we are inviting any prospective Trustees to join current Trustees and Jo Slater, Recovery / Financial expert from InspirAlba to discuss the Rockfield Centre Recovery and Business plan.

Meeting date & time: Thursday 13th June at 10am to 12pm, the Oak Room, The Rockfield Centre

Anyone wishing to stand for election to the Board is welcome to attend. If you plan to attend then please RSVP email: or send any questions you may have to email:

The Rockfield Centre is at a turning point in its journey, with clear objectives to secure its long-term financial viability while providing a diverse resource and asset for the whole community.

We welcome applications from those willing to become new Trustees and who have the energy, drive, commitment and passion to continue its development journey.

Oban Communities Trust, known as The Rockfield Centre is a registered Community Benefit Society. The Rockfield Centre is situated in Oban town centre. Following a huge community campaign to save the building to provide a cultural/community hub, the community took ownership of the B-listed former Victorian school in May 2015 and has just completed the capital refurbishment.

The Rockfield Centre four key themes identified by the community:

  • Arts and Culture

  • History and Heritage

  • Community wellbeing

  • Education and Enterprise

Our Trustees have a key role driving and managing the overall direction of the organisation which is vital for shaping a well-governed charity, sustainable for the future. It is an important role and an opportunity to make a positive difference by supporting and enhancing our community.

Trustee Specification

The Board of Oban Communities Trust requires a breadth of skills and experience to support and deliver on the key financial, organisational and community objectives.

At this time we are particularly interested in receiving applications from individuals with a background in:

  • Catering and hospitality management

  • Fundraising and grant writing

  • Marketing

  • Arts & Culture

  • Heritage & History

  • Health & Wellbeing

  • Education

  • Business Development

  • Finance / Accountancy

How To Apply

We welcome applications from members of Oban Community Trust and individuals from outwith the area, who have a connection with or close interest in the vision for The Rockfield Centre, Oban.

We welcome individuals irrespective of ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, age, religion or belief, gender and sexual orientation.

To apply to become a Trustee of Oban Communities Trust / The Rockfield Centre, please email your CV or short video and application form, demonstrating your suitability for the role, to or complete an application form using the link below and email to the same address

All applications will be reviewed in the strictest confidence and data will be held in accordance with GDPR policies and procedures.

Prospective Trustees will be asked to stand for election by the members at the AGM on Wednesday 26 June at 7 pm at the Rockfield Centre.