Meet the Trustees

The Rockfield Centre is governed by the Board of Trustees of Oban Communities Trust, which is a Community Benefit Society with charitable status.

The Trustees run the centre for the good of the community, and are eager to hear your thoughts. We are also eager for your advice, expertise, and time! If you think you can help, please do reach out!

There are regular opportunities to engage in person:

Drop-in Sessions: The next sessions will take place on Monday 9th September - stop by for a cuppa and a chat from 10-11 or 6-7.

Community Consultation: We will be running a full day community consultation event in the near future. Please bare with us as we finalise the details.

Annual General Meeting: Our financial year ended August 31st 2024, and so we will call a public AGM as soon as our end of year accounts are in order.

You can also contact us by emailing

Beth Chalmers

Beth is an artist living and working in Oban. Her practice includes photography and filmmaking, music, poetry and workshop facilitation. As a touring musician and events organiser, she has a wealth of experience in the sector from backstage to front of house. 

Stacey Felgate

Stacey is an environmental scientist who focusses on community-led development work. She has experience manging large projects, obtaining large grants, and working with a range of academic, industry, government, and NGO partners. She also holds a Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality Management, a WSET Sommelier qualification, and has extensive experience working in bars, cafes, and eateries.

She sees TRC as an important community asset where all walks of life can come together to experience art, music, food, and a shared sense of belonging.

Karen Lindsay

Karen holds a degree in hospitality management from Napier University and has worked in and around hospitality for over 40 years. She owns a local business specialising in Scottish Craft Beer, and organises an annual Beer Festival.

Karen is keen to share her experience and help maximise the centre’s potential and steer it forward into the new phase of its development.

Neil McCorrisken

Neil has a wealth of experience which includes creating community cultural projects in Liverpool and Bristol, working in sound, lighting, and logistics at arts venues and music festivals, and volunteering within the community.

Neil feels passionately about being involved in TRC striving and being full of activities, events and community projects from our talented locals to international guests.

Renuka Ramanujam

Renuka Ramanujam is an Oban-based artist and creative entrepreneur with a background in textiles & printmaking. She lectures at Central Saint Martins, and has facilitated many community arts workshops amongst her practice and bootstrapped her own design innovation venture, HUID, from the ground up.

Renuka has been a tutor at The Rockfield Centre since October 2021, hosting the Open Draw amongst other events. She believes the Rockfield could be THE hub for artists around Argyll and should be an accessible, welcoming platform for the local community to enjoy a fantastic array of arts. 

Fee Shaw

Fee has worked with arts venues for more of her life than she hasn’t. She started in theatres in Northern England, has managed thousand-seater concert halls in Edinburgh,  run international film festivals in Glasgow, and re-opened the independent Phoenix cinema in Oban. Her role now as Network Development Manager for The Touring Network allows her to support hundreds of promoters and performers to bring live performances to a wide variety of venues across rural Scotland. 

Fee feels passionately that access to the arts should be for all. She believes in the potential of TRC to be that central, community focused space that has something to offer every generation.