Children’s Whale and Dolphin Talk

Part of our Earth Month programme

Date: Tuesday 11th April 2023
Time: 10am - 11am
Place: The Oak Room, The Rockfield Centre
Age: All ages (children must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost: Free / Donations

Booking is essential for this event

Children’s Whale and Dolphin Talk

Did you know that UK and European waters are home to a third of the world’s whales, dolphin and porpoise species?

In this talk, we will be diving into the world of these amazing animals, focusing on some of the fascinating species we can find around Scotland, ranging from the tiny harbour porpoise to the shy Cuvier's beaked whale and the acrobatic common dolphin. Not forgetting our resident Orcas John Coe and Aquarius!

The talk will be given by Peter Selway, an Ocean Conservationist with the Charity ORCA.

ORCA is a charity that’s entirely dedicated to studying and protecting whales, dolphins and porpoises in UK and European waters.

Come and learn all about these remarkable mammals that we have a chance to see from our Scottish coasts every day!

All Images ©ORCA

Peter is an Ocean Conservationist with ORCA, a charity dedicated to studying and protecting whales, dolphins and porpoises.

He spent 2022 surveying and guiding on whale and dolphin tours on the west coast of Scotland with CalMac. He has also led surveys and lectures in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Iceland. A keen nature enthusiast, he has traveled the world in search of varying wildlife, including Borneo, Zambia, Colombia and beyond.